Thursday, January 13, 2011

Why vintage cupboards?

So why the name? .. well lets break it down. Vintage. I have a love for pretty much anything old, my house is old and almost everything in it is as well. I love the simplicity of the lines to the craziness of the colors. I love the unexpected and authentic look and feel it brings. Cupboards. Well the cupboards in my little kitchen are open shelves .. I love the exposure. You can see everything from my plastic cups to my vintage Pryex. I want this blog to be an open vintage cupboard. You will see the different cupboards of our life. Our home, our precious Lily growing, our family, and even our little garden (that's an upcoming project of mine). I am beyond thrilled to have this blog, getting to share and write and mostly for my sweet grandparents to be able to follow along (they moved to Panama recently) and see the changes in our life.

Let us go into the world today glorifying His name!

- Jaimee.

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